Volunteers In Development, Education, & Solidarity, or VIDES, is a volunteer missioner program that works together with members of the Salesian Family to promote social justice, solidarity, and generosity by living a simple Christ-centered life while serving the poor and the marginalized.
VIDES+USA Vision & Values
VIDES+USA is a Catholic Volunteer Missioner Program offering opportunities to young adults, members, and sponsors to ACCOMPANY others by sharing time, talent, and treasure with a focus on children, youth, and women in poverty and vulnerable situations, so they can have access to new opportunities in education and development. We serve areas in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South, Central and North America.
Since 1872, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) have been a missionary Institute and since 1987 they have been providing service opportunities through VIDES to young adults - inviting them to be part of their world-wide missions.