East timor
Previous service projects- Teaching English at a primary school
- Catechesis, youth ministry and religious education - Computer skills and technical education - Mentoring and accompanying young girls at an orphanage - Coach and recreation facilitator for youth sports teams - Community outreach and development |
national flaglanguagesPortuguese and English
I have come to enjoy this new pattern of daily life, even love it. Last year, it was difficult for me to be motivated to teach
classes and I always looked forward to my Sabbath's rest. Now, I take it one day at a time, but I enjoy it a lot more. God revealed to me that I can enjoy teaching classes, so that is what I have been doing. Also, my students are growing on me. I have always had a special affection to those whom I serve. Just like at my former jobs because I served the community for four years. Now I am serving my students. I am willing to commit all my time to my 150 students. If you don't know how to love, just serve and God will do the rest.
-Tarry V.